Friday, May 31, 2013

Human Interest

My name is Jeff Ferguson and welcome to The Interesting Human.

This is a blog that will present people and businesses of all different kinds, predominately in Houston and New York. This is not and will not be an advertisement. The Interesting Human is only about one thing. People. 

It is remarkable that we live in a time where everything is showcased and nothing is notable. Recently, a friend had made me a plate of cupcakes. I immediately wolfed them down, leaving none alive and after I finished, I was disappointed in myself. Not because I had eaten six cupcakes in twenty minutes but, because I had forgotten to take a picture of them first so I could post it on the Internet.

Which was troubling, to say the least. 

The things posted here will not be reports or journals. They will be stories. Stories about people. Real stories. This is an experiment. Let's do it together. 


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